
Catching Up

Wow, I just realized that it's been a long time since I last posted. Here's an update.

A lot has been happening at our house, some good, some bad. 

We got the trailer and van ready to roll. Been setting up a blog for that little adventure at

In December, I traded some fiber equipment for a Merlin Tree Double Treadle Roadbug spinning wheel. Been wanting one of those for years! Love it!  I also bougt a 15" Schacht Cricket Rigid Heddle Loom, something else that I've been wanting for years. It feeds my need to weave. I've been missing my floor looms something terrible. The Cricket helps.

January has been the pits. I bought a portable washing machine for the RV from Amazon and on the 5th time using it, it failed. I arranged to return it for refund.

In he middle of January my husband developed Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Failure. He was in and out of the hospital the last half of the month.  It has been a life altering event.  All of my time and energy has been going towards getting him as well as we can.  We have to keep track and record his morning glucose level, weight, blood pressure, pulse and track his limited sodium and liquid intake, on a daily basis. We will have to do this for the rest of his life. 

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